Colours and categories

nemy simplifies energy market data down to what people need (i.e. "Good/Bad", "Cheap/Expensive", "Green/Polluting", "Green/Red"). With simpler information, more people will align their electricity usage with times of abundant renewable energy.

Select from the options below to understand the logic behind the colours and categories.

Blue light bulb Free

Electricity is basically free, go nuts!

Price: < 0 c/kWh
Green light bulb Cheap

Electricity is cheap, now is a great time to use your appliances.

Price: 0 - 15 c/kWh
Yellow light bulb Typical

Electricity is typical, use appliances as you need.

Price: 15 - 25 c/kWh
Orange light bulb Moderately expensive

Electricity is moderately expensive, avoid using appliances if you can.

Price: 25 - 35 c/kWh
Red light bulb Expensive

Electricity is expensive, avoid using appliances if you can.

Price: 35 - 100 c/kWh
Purple light bulb Spike

Electricity prices are spiking, turn off energy intensive appliances.

Price: > 100 c/kWh